Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggressive mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights.
avalanche the sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain.
circumstance a condition or fact connected with or having an effect on an event or situation.
complex difficult to understand.
crisis the point or moment just before a very important change in one direction or another.
devise to invent or think out.
dictate to state or order with authority.
interrogate to question at length and in a thorough way, often for an official purpose.
monotonous not interesting because of having to do the same thing over and over.
nauseate to cause disgust or repugnance in.
presume to take for granted; assume.
reversal the act of turning in or taking an opposite direction or position.
shudder to tremble or give a sudden shiver.
skulk to hide or wait in hiding; lurk.
snare1 anything intended to lure, tempt, or entangle unsuspecting victims; trap.