Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface.
clemency the inclination to be merciful or forgiving; leniency.
discrepancy lack of agreement; difference; inconsistency.
exigency a condition of urgency.
ineffectual incapable of acting effectively.
inept lacking skill or aptitude; incompetent.
mentor someone who plays an important role in another person's life as a guide and teacher.
monologue a long speech or reading given by a single speaker.
nonchalant not showing excitement or anxiety; coolly confident, unflustered, or unworried;casually indifferent.
patronize to act in an offensively superior manner toward.
podium a raised platform, as for a speaker or orchestra conductor; dais.
recalcitrant stubbornly disobedient; refractory.
redundant unnecessarily repetitive.
reminiscence something that is remembered; memory or impression.
visage the face of a person, statue, or the like, especially in regard to its appearance or expression.