Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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creed a set of beliefs held by a person or group.
ensemble a group of performers, such as actors or musicians, who perform together.
equivalence the state, fact, or condition of being the same in value, amount, importance, or the like.
glutton someone who eats an excessive amount, or one who both eats and drinks excessively.
inaugurate to start or cause to start formally.
obstruction something that blocks the way or prevents progress.
pigment anything that is used to or serves to provide color.
qualification something that makes a person fit for an activity or job.
rave to talk with much enthusiasm; praise.
reckon to count or estimate; figure.
shun to keep away from or avoid on purpose.
spangle a small, thin piece of shiny metal used for decoration on clothing.
undiscovered not yet found or known to exist.
valor boldness in facing danger; courage; bravery.
veteran having gained experience over a long time.