Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allay to quiet or lay to rest (fears, doubts, and the like).
deference respect for and submission to the desires, opinions, or judgments of another.
diligent trying hard and steadily to achieve a goal.
dirge a song or hymn for a funeral or memorial for the dead.
horticulture the art or science of growing vegetables, flowers, fruits, or ornamental plants.
imperturbable not easily excited or disturbed; calm.
incantation the words or sounds that are uttered or chanted as part of a magical ritual or spell, or the act of uttering such words or sounds.
incense2 to make very angry.
ornamentation decoration; embellishment.
peccadillo a minor sin or offense, or a slight fault.
resilient able to withstand and recover quickly from difficulty, sickness, or the like.
sear1 to burn or scorch the outside of.
seemly in accord with decency and propriety; suitable; fitting; decorous.
superficial of, pertaining to, or located on the surface.
synoptic forming a summary or overview.