Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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biology the science that studies the growth and life processes of living things.
convince to cause to believe or accept (often followed by "of").
depend to trust or rely (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
gravity the force by which all objects in the universe are attracted to each other.
intrude to enter or thrust oneself in when not invited or welcome.
master to become skilled in or expert at.
meadow an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay. A meadow usually contains wildflowers and weeds as well.
nearby located close at hand; not far away.
outskirts the edges or outlying areas of a city or town.
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the expected date.
recent having to do with or happening in the very near past.
scan to read or look over quickly.
scarcely almost not; just barely.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
unfortunate having bad luck; unlucky.