Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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assign to set apart or give out for a particular use.
blurt to say suddenly and without thought (usually followed by "out").
cancer a disease in which certain cells divide and grow much faster than they normally do.
canvas heavy, strong cloth made of cotton, linen, or hemp.
detach to separate from a whole.
fame the condition of being well known or respected by a great number of people.
grace beauty or charm in form, style, or motion.
hurricane a powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more.
interest the desire to learn, know, or take part in something.
presidency the office, length of service, and jobs of a president.
privacy the condition of being alone or away from the view of other people.
research careful study of something in order to find out information about it.
reside to live in a place for a long time; dwell.
resume to start again after stopping.
visible able to be seen.