Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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albeit notwithstanding; even though.
conflagration a large, damaging fire.
contemptuous feeling or expressing angry disgust, as at something unworthy or wicked; scornful.
crossfire a volley of projectiles, especially gunfire, directed at some central point from two separated positions.
demagogue a leader, especially a speaker or politician, who attempts to persuade and to gain a following by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the public, rather than by rational argument.
eddy to move or turn in circles or eddies.
edifice a building, especially a large or impressive structure.
exigency a condition of urgency.
impregnate to make (a female animal or human) pregnant, or to make (an egg) fertile.
recipient one who accepts something that has been sent or given, or one who has been awarded something.
referent anything in the real world or in the imagination that is symbolized or referred to by a word or other symbol.
repress to restrain or prevent the expression of (feelings, utterances, or the like).
shroud to screen or conceal.
subside to become less; decrease.
vagrant one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad; tramp.