Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bacteria microscopic organisms that often play a role in the decay of living things, the process of fermentation, and sometimes in causing disease.
closet a small room or space for storing things such as clothes or supplies.
dip to put into a liquid for a short time.
emergency a sudden dangerous situation that requires immediate action or help.
greet to use words or simple actions that show pleasure or respect when you meet someone or start a letter.
kneel to rest on the knee or knees.
map a picture of an area of the earth or sky drawn or printed on a flat surface.
mission a special job given to a person or group of people.
model a small copy of something.
murder the crime of killing a person.
planner a person who designs or has ideas for things that will exist or happen in the future.
rinse to wash off with water.
rule a law or direction that guides behavior or action.
slip to slide suddenly on a slippery surface.
starve to die or suffer from not eating.