Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abridge to make shorter.
centennial having to do with a one hundredth anniversary.
covetous desiring that which belongs to another; wanting possessions; greedy.
elegy a sorrowful or mournful poem or musical composition, especially a lament for the dead.
esoteric understood or known only by a few persons who have special training, access, or interests.
firmament the entire arch of the sky; heavens.
generalize to come to a broad idea or rule about something after considering particular facts.
inglorious bringing shame or disgrace; shameful; dishonorable.
montage the technique of juxtaposing or superimposing images in a photograph or on motion picture film.
naturalistic exhibiting or pertaining to naturalism.
penance an act of punishment or self-discipline voluntarily undergone to show regret at having done something wrong.
sensory of or pertaining to hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, or touching.
speculative of, pertaining to, or based on conjecture or theorizing.
subside to become less; decrease.
synopsis a short statement giving an overview, the main principles, or the sequence of events of a narrative, argument, article, or the like; summary; abstract.