Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cart an open vehicle with two wheels used to carry a heavy load. An animal or a vehicle usually pulls a cart.
dull not interesting; boring.
during all through a certain period of time.
land the solid part of the earth's surface.
less to a smaller degree or amount.
loaf a single quantity of bread the way it is just after it is baked and before it is cut into slices.
path a track beaten by the feet of people or animals.
pencil a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing. Pencils are made of a narrow stick of wood with a dark gray or colored center.
picture a painting, drawing, or photograph.
pity sympathy or sorrow caused by another's pain, bad luck, or suffering.
post1 a piece of wood, metal, or other material placed upright in the ground to mark or support something.
sound anything that people or animals hear with their ears.
spy a person who watches in secret to get information about others.
staff a pole or rod often used as an aid in walking or hiking; walking stick.
tea a drink that is made by putting dried leaves of certain plants in hot water. The leaves usually come from a special plant that grows in Asia.