Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abeyance temporary suspension or cessation.
apocryphal of dubious authorship or authority.
compunction uneasiness about the propriety or suitability of an action; qualm.
despoil to forcefully take belongings or goods from; plunder.
facsimile an exact copy or duplicate of something printed or of a picture.
gossamer delicately fine, gauzelike, or filmy.
idyllic charmingly simple and natural, as a scene or experience; suggestive of peaceful countryside.
panegyric a formal speech or piece of writing devoted to publicly praising a person or thing.
pastiche a work of visual art, music, or literature that consists mostly of materials and techniques borrowed from other works, sometimes done as an exercise to learn the technique of others.
penury severe poverty; pennilessness.
picayune having little value or significance; small; paltry.
pretentious assuming or marked by an air of importance or superiority that is unwarranted.
recidivism chronic return to bad habits, especially criminal relapse.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
uxorial of, pertaining to, or befitting a wife.