Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appall to cause to feel shock or horror.
clench to close tightly shut.
curtsy a gesture of the body that shows respect made by bending the knees and lowering the body slightly. A curtsy is usually made by women and girls.
difference the condition of being not like or not the same.
graze1 to feed on growing grass.
identity all of those things by which a person or thing is known or is considered as being.
invert to reverse the order, position, or direction of.
license legal permission to do something, or a paper or card that shows permission.
midst the middle of a situation or event.
novel2 new and unusual.
packet a small bundle or parcel.
permanent lasting or meant to last for a very long time; everlasting.
rebuild to build again; repair.
revenge to get even for or pay back by causing injury or harm.
suggest to put forth for thinking about; propose.