Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arrival the act of reaching a certain place or goal.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within.
delivery an act of bringing or sending something to a particular person or place.
differ to be not the same as; be unlike.
expense money needed to buy or do something; cost.
foreign in, from, or having to do with a country that is not one's own.
geography the physical features of an area on the earth's surface.
jungle land covered with many trees, vines, and bushes; a tropical rain forest.
mast a long upright pole that rises from the bottom of a sailboat or ship to support the sails and lines.
media the means of distributing information to large numbers of people, through newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.
migrant moving from place to place.
private allowing only certain people to take part in or to know about.
ruthless having no mercy or sympathy; cruel.
tourist a person who is travelling for pleasure.
wealthy having a lot of money; rich.