Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
artistic showing skill and imagination in creating.
boon something that is a help or benefit.
consumption the act or process of using up or consuming.
converse2 a thing that is the opposite or the reverse of something else.
denounce to speak out against.
endow to give money or property to.
endure to bear up under or function in spite of.
institution an organization set up for a specific purpose, such as hospitals, churches, prisons, charities, and schools.
mortal not living forever; having to die some day.
overemphasize to stress too much; give too much importance to.
restrictive characterized by limitations on application.
spiritual of or pertaining to the soul or matters of the soul, the part of a human being that is believed to be the higher or deeper self and not part of the body.
statistical of, concerning, or based on information in the form of numbers that can be used to understand a complex issue or test the validity of a hypothesis.
understandable able to be tolerated or sympathized with.