Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bookcase a set of shelves for holding books.
build to make something by joining together different parts.
cord a covered wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment such as a television or lamp.
doctor a person whose job is to treat and give medicine to sick people or animals.
drunk having had too much alcohol to drink.
fire the heat, light, and flames made when something burns.
further comparative of far; at or to a greater distance.
grass a short green plant with narrow pointed leaves that usually covers fields and yards.
horror a strong feeling of fear or shock.
island an area of land surrounded by water on all sides.
lie1 a false statement that is said on purpose.
sour having a sharp taste caused by acid. Lemons, vinegar, and yogurt are some things that are sour.
tablet a small, flat, round piece of medicine.
terrible causing fear, terror, or horror.
wide reaching across a large area from side to side.