Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bay1 a body of water with land around it but that is open to the sea on one side.
canoe a small narrow boat with curved sides and pointed ends. You move a canoe through water using a long stick with one wide flat end.
clay a kind of wet earth that becomes hard when you heat it. You use clay to make bricks, pots, and other things.
dollar the main unit of money in the United States and many other countries. One U.S. dollar is equal to 100 cents.
earn to receive money for work that you have done.
fair1 giving equal treatment.
front the most forward part or side of something.
never not at any time; not at all.
pail a container with steep sides and a handle; bucket.
pipe a tube of metal, plastic, or other material through which a gas or liquid may flow.
ray1 a thin beam of light.
spot a mark that is different in color from the area around it.
stock things that you keep that are ready for use or for sale at any time; supply.
stupid dull or slow to learn; not smart.
terrible causing fear, terror, or horror.