Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absence the fact or condition of being away or not present.
beckon to signal to come using a motion of the head or hands.
biology the science that studies the growth and life processes of living things.
burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
dialogue a talk between two or more people or between characters in a play, film, or novel.
erosion wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
fertilize to spread fertilizer over (a planted area).
glamour the quality of being exciting, charming, and very attractive.
intrude to enter or thrust oneself in when not invited or welcome.
lash1 a whip or the striking part of a whip.
paragraph a part of something written made up of one or more sentences that develop a certain idea. A paragraph begins on a new line which is usually indented from the other lines.
publish to prepare and bring out for sale for the public to read.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
tilt to move or place so that one side is higher than the other; tip.
viewer one who watches, especially a person who watches television.