Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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deducible able to be concluded or inferred from certain facts or principles.
filch to steal (usually something of slight value) in a sly manner; pilfer.
mercenary interested only in money and material gain.
obnoxious offensive or not pleasant.
obscene offensive and not decent.
philosophy the study of the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters,
raconteur one who is talented in storytelling.
recommence to begin or start again.
remuneration pay, reward, or compensation.
revere to respect or admire greatly.
throe (usually plural) any convulsive or anguished struggle, or great exertion.
transitory lasting for only a short time; brief.
vicissitude (usually plural) unexpected and unforeseeable changes or shifts, as in one's circumstances.
vindicate to free from an accusation, suspicion, or doubt by indisputable proof.
voluptuous full of or characterized by sensual pleasures.