Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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chagrin embarrassment or humiliation arising from disappointment or failure.
demeanor the way in which one conducts oneself; deportment.
gender the sex of a person or animal.
intrinsic being essential to or of the nature of a thing; inherent.
itinerary a detailed plan of travel.
jeopardize to cause to be in danger or at risk; imperil.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
penitent feeling or showing sorrow or regret for having done wrong.
profane irreverent or irreligious; blasphemous.
provisional adopted on a temporary or tentative basis until something permanent is established; conditional.
ravenous very hungry; starved.
socialite one who is prominent in fashionable social circles.
subvert to overthrow or destroy, or cause the destruction of (an established authority, especially a national government).
succumb to give in or give way to a fatal illness, superior force, overwhelming desire, or the like; yield.
tortuous changing direction frequently; twisting, winding, or crooked, as a path.