Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annexation the act of taking and adding (territory) to one's own territory.
apathy lack of interest or feeling.
craven shamefully timid or afraid; cowardly.
equestrian of or relating to horseback riding.
obliterate to erase or make unrecognizable by erasing.
obscene offensive and not decent.
panacea a remedy or solution for all diseases, ills, or difficulties; cure-all.
pilfer to steal, especially trifling amounts or things of small value.
plausible seeming to be true or reasonable; credible.
regurgitate to surge or pour back or out, especially from of a place of containment, as gases, liquids, or undigested food.
rostrum a raised platform or dais for public speaking.
scintillate to send out sparks.
throwback a reappearance of an outmoded procedure, system, or the like.
utopia (often capitalized) an imagined or proposed place or society that is ideal, especially in its laws, ethics, and treatment of humanity.
venturesome tending to take risks; brave.