Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absolute precise; exact.
command an instruction meant to be obeyed; order.
commission the act of performing or carrying out (something); the act of committing.
dessert a sweet food served at the end of a meal.
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year.
fashion the style of clothes or way of acting that is popular.
flexible easily bent without breaking.
grammatical of or having to do with the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language.
investigate to look into carefully and closely so as to learn the facts; examine.
lawyer one whose job is to help people with legal matters and represent them in court; attorney.
reality the state or quality of actually existing.
sacrifice the act of giving up something of great value to show loyalty or deep affection.
secure to make a place safe from unwanted entrance or attack.
strip2 a long, narrow piece or area of mostly uniform width.
unable not having the power, skill, or means needed to do something; not able.