Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aesthete one who is or professes to be particularly attentive to and appreciative of beauty, especially in the arts.
contend to struggle; fight against difficulties or opposition.
denunciation the act of verbally condemning or attacking.
discontinuous interrupted or intermittent; not without pause or break.
eulogize to speak or write high praise of, or make a formal tribute to (usually a dead person).
extradition the legal transfer of a fugitive from one state or jurisdiction to another where he or she is to be tried or imprisoned.
inscrutable impossible to comprehend or interpret; mysterious.
longevity long life.
pessimistic feeling in a negative way about things; expecting the worst to happen.
pinnacle the highest point or part of anything; apex; summit.
reminiscent having qualities or characteristics that remind one of someone or something (usually followed by "of").
remunerative providing or likely to provide payment or reward; profitable.
sundry of various kinds; miscellaneous.
supersede to take over the position or influence of; replace.
tryst a meeting held at a specified time and place, especially a secret meeting of lovers; rendezvous.