Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alloy a substance made by mixing two or more metals or a metal and another substance.
analogy similarity or correspondence between two otherwise dissimilar things.
apparel clothing.
brawl a noisy fight or argument.
consume to eat; devour.
devastate to destroy or ruin.
ecology the scientific study of the relationships between living things and their environments.
famine a great lack of food over a wide area.
participate to take part; share (usually followed by "in").
provoke to make angry, annoyed, or emotional; bring to action.
stabilization the process of making or becoming steady or even, and keeping at a certain level or degree.
suitable right for the situation or purpose; fitting.
technician a person whose work requires special skills.
unlimited having no limits, bounds, or restrictions.
woo to solicit or invite (some consequence or result).