Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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chronology the order of events in time.
civilize to bring education and training to, especially in the arts, science, and government.
convex having a surface or edge that curves outward like the outside of a ball.
coordination the working together of different muscles to carry out a complicated movement.
demise the end of existence or operation.
depression a state of deep sadness or hopelessness that can persist for months or years and is not necessarily triggered by any particular external events.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
hinder to hold back or stop the progress of.
insightful keenly perceptive.
justify to show to be true or right; prove.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
obligation something that someone should or should not do because of a law or moral principle.
premium the exceptional value or esteem accorded something.
scholarly of or appropriate to a student or a learned person.
tolerate to allow or accept; not oppose or attack.