Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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cavalier carefree and offhand; nonchalant.
dilatory used to cause a delay.
facetious not serious; humorous or frivolous.
fracas a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
idyllic charmingly simple and natural, as a scene or experience; suggestive of peaceful countryside.
imprimatur any official permission or sanction.
lenitive mitigating pain, discomfort, or distress; soothing.
nonpareil a person or thing whose excellence is unequaled; paragon.
obfuscate to make (something) seem or be difficult to understand; obscure or darken.
oblivious not conscious or paying attention; unknowing or unaware (usually followed by "to" or "of").
obviate to prevent or eliminate in advance; render unnecessary or irrelevant.
paroxysm a sudden strong outburst of feelings or actions.
penumbra an indefinite, borderline area.
pusillanimous shamefully timid; cowardly.
sepsis infection, especially by pus-forming bacteria in the blood or tissues.