Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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credibility the quality of being believable, or the power to cause others to believe.
doctrine a belief or set of beliefs held by a religion, government, or other group.
impertinent rude or too bold.
indirect not in a straight line, course, or route.
investor a person or company that puts money into use for the purpose of making more money.
juror a person who is a member of a jury.
minority a group of people in a country who make up a smaller part of the whole population and have something in common, such as their family backgrounds or their religion, that is different from the larger population.
neutralize to cause to have no effect or become useless.
recommend to present as something that one can have confidence in; present as something good.
sentinel one that stands guard or watches; sentry.
solitude the condition of living or being by oneself.
stereotype a standardized and usually oversimplified and inaccurate conception held in common by many people.
tart1 sour or acid in taste; sharp; biting.
utmost of the highest or greatest degree, amount, or intensity; greatest.
zeal great enthusiasm for a person or cause.