Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bond to bind together.
criticism the act of judging what is good or bad in something.
devotion strong affection or loyalty.
influence to have an effect on a person's actions or thoughts.
intimate very warm, friendly, or close.
jubilant having or showing great joy; having a happy feeling of success.
minimal of, pertaining to, or being the smallest or least possible in quantity, degree, or size.
mutual felt, said, or done by each for the other; shared by two or more people; given and received.
palette a thin, oval board, with a thumb hole, on which a painter holds and mixes colors.
plumb to examine closely.
productivity the capacity for manufacturing things or doing any work that yields measurable results.
prohibit to not allow by law.
specificity the quality of being exact, precise, or particular.
subjective affected or shaped by personal experience, beliefs, and feelings.
ultimate last or farthest in a progression; final.