Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bliss very great happiness.
composition the way the parts of something are put together; order or structure.
concept a general idea or thought.
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
conundrum a puzzle or problem with a difficult or impossible solution.
disgruntle to make irritably dissatisfied or discontent.
empower to give legal rights or authority to.
falter to move, speak, or act in a way that is not sure or not steady; stumble.
inanimate not having or showing the characteristics associated with life; lifeless.
malfunction the act or an instance of failing to operate or work properly.
plea a serious or sincere call for help; appeal.
purify to make clean or pure.
somewhat in some measure, degree, or proportion; rather.
unique being the only one of its type; sole; single.
valor boldness in facing danger; courage; bravery.