Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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asinine silly or willfully stupid.
bedizen to dress or decorate in a flashy, garish fashion.
cabal a small group of people engaged in a secret plot, usually of a political nature.
celestial of or having to do with the sky or outer space.
culvert a man-made channel for drainage or the like that passes under a street or other thoroughfare.
detriment harm, injury, or loss.
disenfranchise to deprive (someone) of a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote.
fickle quickly changing without reason or warning, especially in affection or allegiance; variable or capricious.
infinitesimal of a thing or quantity, too small to be measured or calculated.
liaison a communication link between groups or between parts of an organization, or a person or group that performs this function.
odoriferous having or spreading a scent, especially a pleasant or fragrant one.
slur to speak of disparagingly; belittle.
timely happening at just the right moment.
trove a collection of valuable or desirable things.
vagary an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant occurrence, action, or idea; whim.