Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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argue to give reasons for or against something.
average a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary.
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it.
connection the fact of being related; relationship or association.
conservation the act of keeping and protecting from waste, loss, or destruction.
customer a person who buys products or services.
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose.
diagnose to determine the identity of (a disease) by examination.
hive something built for or by bees to live in.
invent to think of, come up with, or create something new.
prediction the act of telling or trying to tell what will happen in the future.
reality the state or quality of actually existing.
supervisor a person who watches over other workers and who guides and disciplines them.
vanity too much pride in oneself or in how one looks.
visible able to be seen.