Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface.
deride to ridicule or treat with scornful mockery.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed.
inhibit to hold back, restrain, prevent, or tend to do so.
intolerant not able or not willing to accept different opinions, beliefs, customs, or people; not tolerant.
manifest to show plainly; display; demonstrate.
philosophy the study of the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters,
rectitude moral or ethical propriety; uprightness.
regale to entertain or delight, as with humorous tales.
stipulate to specify or arrange as a condition of an agreement.
supremacy ultimate power or authority.
tirade a long, forceful, or angry speech, often critical or denunciatory in nature; harangue.
uncharted not recorded on any map; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research.
uniformity the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness.
uninitiated combined form of initiated.