Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anomaly an act or instance of differing from the usual pattern, form, or type; peculiarity; abnormality.
crave to need or desire very much.
default to fail to perform an action or fulfill an obligation legally or morally required, especially to fail to pay money that is owed.
definitive most reliable, complete, or authoritative.
flourish to grow in a strong, healthy way.
impact the force of two objects hitting or crashing into each other.
inadequate not enough; not good enough.
input information that is put into a computer.
naval having to do with a navy or its ships.
nestle to lie close or curled next to.
notwithstanding in spite of; despite (sometimes used after its object rather than before).
perishable likely to spoil or rot in a short time.
prolific producing young or new growth in abundance; fertile.
testify to state or affirm as fact or truth, especially under oath.
transcend to go beyond or rise above (a common limitation).