Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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brevity shortness of duration.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
condolence sympathy with a grieving or suffering person.
conjecture the making of a guess or inference, especially with little evidence.
culminate to arrive at a climax or conclusion (usually followed by "in").
decadence a decline into immorality; loss of moral values.
dignitary one who holds a high office or rank.
feasible capable of being done, carried out, or brought about; likely to succeed.
knave an unscrupulous person; evildoer.
mediate to act as an intermediary in (a dispute) or bring about (an agreement).
pauper a very poor person who must live on public money.
profess to claim or state as true.
progression the act of moving forward or onward.
saturate to fill or soak completely.
wheedle to try to persuade or influence by coaxing or flattery; cajole.