Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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attraction the act or power of drawing things or people near.
automate to convert to a mechanical or electronic system of operation.
avail to be useful or profitable to; be of value to.
custody the legal right to take care of and control someone or something.
durable not easily broken or worn out; lasting; sturdy.
encrusted covered with a hard or crisp layer of something.
enthusiastic having or showing great interest.
format the way in which something is arranged or organized.
fundamental basic; central; serving as a foundation.
glutton someone who eats an excessive amount, or one who both eats and drinks excessively.
inaccurate not correct, true, or exact.
nestle to lie close or curled next to.
propel to cause to move forward; thrust, push, or drive.
regional of or relating to a particular geographical area.
thunderous producing a sound of or like thunder.