Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acquit to free from a charge of breaking the law; declare not guilty.
actual truly existing, or being something that is real or true.
approximation an estimate; guess.
conspicuous easily seen; obvious.
ebb the flowing of the tide away from the land to the sea.
flair a natural ability; talent.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
harmonize to bring into agreement or cause to combine pleasantly or satisfactorily.
mull1 to think something over; ponder.
nocturnal happening in the night.
parasite a plant, animal, or fungus that lives on or in another living thing, called the host. A parasite gets its food and energy from the host organism.
penalty a punishment given for breaking a law, rule, or agreement.
pivot a rod or pin upon which another part rotates, swings, or moves back and forth.
reportedly according to what has been said or according to rumor.
unpredictable not able to be known beforehand.