Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring.
consequence that which follows; result.
determinant that which is a factor in causing an outcome.
din a loud, steady noise.
disciple one who follows a leader or teacher; pupil.
drastic extreme or severe.
haphazard having no order; without aim or purpose.
inflammatory tending to arouse and excite the emotions, or call forth an emotional response.
insulate to cover, line, or surround with a material that reduces or stops the movement of heat, electricity, or sound.
macho embodying or demonstrating a conception of masculinity emphasizing strength, assertiveness, and dominance.
nourish to supply with food needed for life and growth.
ransack to search through thoroughly, especially for items to steal; plunder.
relevant related to what is being discussed or is presently important.
sane sound; reasonable.
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.