Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abundance a very large amount; plentiful supply.
alteration the state or process of altering.
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm.
congressional (sometimes capitalized) of or pertaining to a legislative congress, especially the U.S. Congress.
debate to discuss the different sides of a subject or issue.
dilemma a situation that requires a choice between two actions, neither of which will be a good solution.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
explosive able to cause an explosion.
flux a state of continuous change or movement.
germinate to start or cause to start growth; sprout.
maximize to increase or enlarge as much as possible.
qualification something that makes a person fit for an activity or job.
sequence a pattern or process in which one thing follows another.
texture the feel or look of a surface.
thermal using, resulting from, or producing heat.