Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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agree to have the same opinion or feel the same way.
cloth material made by weaving.
horror a strong feeling of fear or shock.
juicy having a great amount of juice.
orchard a piece of land planted with fruit or nut trees.
piece a section or part separated from the whole.
principal greatest or first in importance.
properly in the appropriate way.
ranch a large farm where cattle, horses, or sheep are raised. There are many ranches in the plains of the United States.
scar the permanent mark that remains after a wound has healed.
stable1 firm or steady; not likely to move.
stare to look straight at something with your eyes open wide and not moving.
trash anything that is thrown away because it is not wanted.
underground located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.
worried feeling trouble or anxiety about something that might happen.