Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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arise to appear; come into being.
carnivore an animal that eats the flesh of other animals.
character all those things that make a person, place, or thing different from others.
competitor a person, group, or thing engaged in a contest.
drama a story written so that it can be acted out for an audience; play.
earthquake a shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface, caused by movement deep within the earth.
existence the condition of being alive or real.
freedom the state of being able to act or move as one wishes.
frequent happening often or repeated often.
grain the small hard seeds of cereal plants such as wheat or rice. Grain is used for food and often ground into flour.
gush to flood out in large amounts and with great force; spurt.
overseas across any of the oceans; abroad.
shaky shaking; trembling.
skilled having skill.
understand to get the meaning, nature, or importance of.