Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abet to incite, encourage, or aid, especially in wrongdoing.
biennial happening every second year.
discontinuance the act of stopping or condition of being stopped; interruption.
flail to cause to move wildly.
infectious able to be given to others by infection.
matriculate to enroll or be enrolled in an organization, especially a college or university.
onslaught a forceful, often sudden, offensive maneuver; attack.
opalescent exhibiting a spectrum of colors or changing colors; iridescent.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
ossify to become inflexible or rigid, as in thought or behavior.
reverential characterized by a great respect and awe, mingled with love.
sensual related to or providing pleasure from the ways humans perceive stimuli, such as through touch, taste, or smell.
stagnate to be or become motionless, fouled, or lacking in energy, originality, or development.
tedium the state or condition of being dull, boring, or wearisome; monotony.
totality the state or quality of being total.