Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
dangerous likely to cause harm; not safe.
frost a thin, light covering of ice.
mate a marriage partner or close friend.
naughty not behaving or obeying.
painter one who paints pictures.
palace the official home of a king or queen or other person of high rank, or a fancy home where a king or queen might live.
print to put words and pictures onto a surface using a machine.
problem a question or condition that is difficult to understand or to deal with.
skin the thin outer covering of the body.
sofa a comfortable seat with a back and arms made for two or more people; couch.
spice a substance from a plant that has a special taste. Spices are used to add flavor to food and drink.
start to begin activity or operation.
tire1 to take a person's strength or energy away.
track a mark or series of marks left on the ground by the feet of people or animals, or the wheels of machines; trail.