Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with").
approach the act of coming near.
college a school of higher learning that one attends after high school. Most college programs require four years of study.
disagree to differ in opinion.
display anything put out in order to be seen by others.
exclusively with all others left out or not included; only; solely.
gangway a path into, out of, around, or through something; passageway.
impostor a person who cheats or tricks others by pretending to be another person.
largely mostly; mainly; to a large extent.
literature writings that have lasting value. Literature includes stories, poems, plays, and essays.
midst the middle of a situation or event.
shaggy having long, rough hair or something like hair.
suggestion a comment that offers an idea about what could be done.
tantrum a violent, noisy outburst of angry temper.
workshop a room or building in which a particular kind of work is done, usually involving manual or mechanical skills.