Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accord agreement; harmony.
cancellation the act of omission, deletion, or invalidation.
emotional having to do with the feelings, including how one feels about oneself in relation to others.
frustration an angry or impatient feeling caused by failing or being hindered in one's attempts to do something.
hurtle to move with great speed and often with great noise.
perfection the state or condition of being without a fault or mistake.
petition a formal, written request by many people that is made to a person in authority.
pregnancy the condition in a female human or animal in which the body is developing new life and preparing to give birth.
presumably judging by what may reasonably be guessed or predicted.
purely just; absolutely.
rupture the act of breaking open or breaking off.
terrain land or ground, or the natural characteristics of its surface.
transitional of or pertaining to a change from one position, stage, or situation to another.
truce a stop or end of war that is agreed upon by all groups that participate; armistice.
universal of, having to do with, or characteristic of the whole world or the world's population.