Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abash to cause to feel embarrassed, uneasy, or ashamed.
askance with distrust or suspicion.
etiolate to weaken, especially through deprivation of normal development.
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve.
flout to show scorn or contempt for, especially by openly or deliberately disobeying.
incessant never stopping; constant.
indistinct not clearly perceived or perceiving.
inflection change that occurs in the form of words to show a grammatical characteristic such as the tense of a verb, the number of a noun, or the degree of an adjective or adverb.
inveigle to entice or ensnare by clever talk or flattery.
nonfeasance in law, failure to perform a required duty, as by a public official.
opiate something that induces relaxation, calm, or stupor.
pronate to turn or rotate (the hand or forearm) so that the palm of the hand faces down or backwards.
recant to withdraw from commitment to (a former position or statement), especially publicly; retract.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
salvo the firing of guns or other firearms simultaneously or in succession, especially as a salute.