Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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defense the act of protecting or guarding.
destination the place to which a person is going or goods or baggage are sent.
difficult hard to do or understand.
filter a device used to remove dirt or other solids from liquids or gases. A filter can be made of paper, charcoal, or other material with tiny holes in it.
lantern a case or container that is made of a material through which a light can shine and be protected.
litter a mess of waste materials or other objects scattered about.
modesty the quality of not being conceited or vain.
persuade to cause to do something by using reason or argument.
responsibility something for which a person is responsible; duty.
revenge to get even for or pay back by causing injury or harm.
role the character played by an actor.
ruthless having no mercy or sympathy; cruel.
spur a metal piece with a spike that is attached to the heel of a rider's boot. Spurs are used to make a horse go forward.
stampede the sudden and hurried mass movement of a large group of frightened animals.
stretch to spread out or reach out to the full length in order to make loose and flexible.