Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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colloquialism a word or phrase typically used in conversational, informal, or regional speech or writing, hence sometimes considered inappropriate in formal writing.
distraught mentally or emotionally unbalanced; crazed.
élan enthusiasm or vigor.
entreat to beg for something, or to do something.
extrinsic not inherent or essential; extraneous.
fealty faithfulness or loyalty.
germane having relevance to a given matter; pertinent; significant.
gird to surround, bind, or encircle, as with a belt.
hackneyed made trite or commonplace by overuse, as an expression or phrase.
lacuna a gap or omitted part.
neologism a new word, phrase, or usage.
periphrasis an indirect or roundabout way of phrasing something; circumlocution.
sartorial of or pertaining to tailors or tailored clothing, especially men's clothing.
sequester to remove into protection and isolation; seclude.
uxorious excessively or foolishly devoted to one's wife, and often thereby submissive to her.