Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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academic having to do with a school.
autonomous free and independent, as a state or an organism; self-governing.
cherish to value with great love and care.
emit to send out or give off.
inadequate not enough; not good enough.
inhibition the condition of being held back or prevented from acting, as by one's own fear or embarrassment.
intuitive having or resulting from the ability to know or apprehend without using the process of logical thought or reasoning.
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech.
locale a place, especially as the setting of some event.
logic the process of drawing conclusions based on known principles or facts; reasoning.
obsess to preoccupy the mind or emotions of (someone) excessively or abnormally.
overall including nearly all; general.
politics the work or study of government.
sophisticated having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple.
transcribe to write or type a copy or full version of (something dictated or heard, shorthand notes, or the like).