Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cogent convincing, or compelling by virtue of a strong argument or clear presentation.
credulity an inclination to believe or trust, especially without sufficient basis or evidence; gullibility.
disconcert to upset the calm or self-assurance of; ruffle.
gnarl to knot or twist.
lineage1 descent from or the descendants of a common or particular ancestor or ancestry.
objectivity the quality of being unbiased or without prejudice.
pallor unnatural lack of color, especially of the face.
paucity smallness of number or amount; scarcity.
rote unthinking or mechanical routine or habit.
schism a division into factions with opposing beliefs, especially in a Christian church.
skeptic one who is inclined to question or doubt assertions that are made or accepted by others.
sundry of various kinds; miscellaneous.
tenuous having little substance, support, or significance; flimsy; weak.
unqualified lacking the appropriate knowledge or qualifications.
unsubstantiated lacking the evidence or verification needed to establish as true.