Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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amount measure; quantity.
dark having little or no light.
dream an event in which changing pictures or images come into your mind as you sleep.
finish to reach or cause the end of; complete.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair.
hang to attach to a point without support from below.
herd the common people; most people. The expression "He (or she) follows the herd" means that a person tends to do what everybody else does, like a cow in a herd, and does not think for himself or herself.
mind the part of a person that thinks, understands, remembers, imagines, and feels.
return to go back or come back.
sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover a bed.
snowflake a single flake of snow.
spy a person who watches in secret to get information about others.
stack a neat pile with one thing on top of another.
tired needing sleep or rest.
vacuum a space or container in which there is no air or from which most of the air has been removed.