Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accolade an expression or mark of approval; honor; award.
cosmopolitan of, drawn from, or common to all the world or all the peoples of the world.
firmament the entire arch of the sky; heavens.
foretaste a partial, advance experience or realization of something that will come or happen in the future.
impassioned full of strong emotion.
indolent inclined to avoid exertion or effort; lazy.
meander to wind back and forth.
noncommittal not revealing what one's preference, feeling, or opinion is.
perverse stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude.
polygamy the practice or state of having more than one spouse, especially more than one wife, at a time.
prepossess to inspire or impress favorably beforehand.
sheaf a bound bundle of cut grain.
singularity an unusual trait or quality.
spate a sudden rush, outpouring, or flood.
spellbind to hold fascinated, as by magicl; enchant.